Tagesarchiv: November 22, 2016

Fairness 0

What is Digital Fairness?

Abstract [en]: 1. Respect for Informational Self Determination, 2. Digital Reciprocity, 3. Transparency, 4. Traceability, 5. Regulated Expiration Date, 6. Regulated Escalation, 7. Digital Credibility November 2016 What is Digital Fairness? Seven Theses from the Standpoint of Car Customers #1 Respect for Informational Self Determination Basic idea: The basic idea is the property right for one’s own data. The person who   generates...

Theologie 0

Traum Gottes, Albtraum der Menschen? – Theologie der Stadt

Abstract [en] Christian theology has a voice of its own beyond the rich contributions coming from psychology, sociology, behavioural sciences and others. This also refers to sacred times and places which include the city, seen as “Babel” (Gen 11) and place of moral destruction as well as “heavenly Jerusalem” (Apocalpyse 22) or place of divine promise. Until these days, big...