Monatsarchiv: August 2022
Abstract [en]: In his essay „Hannah Arendt: Re-thinking freedom“, Dr Bruno Heidlberger shows how the philospher’s analyses are as topical as ever. Today, thinking about Arendt’s conception of the political is not possible without reference to the 24th February 2022, as it goes to the heart of Hannah Arendt’s political philosophy: freedom of agency, and concepts such as power, violence,...
Abstract [en]: This paper is about culture-sensitive leadership in non-profit organizations with special focus on the German children and youth welfare system. The underlying research question investigates the personal traits, competencies and abilities that team leaders of that sector need in dealing with employees which do not have the same cultural background they have, the challenges among their social interaction...
Abstract [en]: In many cases, the starting point of today’s global devastating crises is the failure of individuals or groups because of egoistic behaviour patterns and the loss of mutual trust. In the context of companies and organizations, an answer to this self-perpetuating system is the promotion of cooperation among employees. This can be achieved by developing a “zone of...