Schlagwort: Ethik

Open Data Inclusivity: The Use of the ResearchGate Database for Market Analysis in the Caucasus Region Countries

Open Data Inclusivity: Analyse der Märkte in den Kaukasusländern (Armenien, Aserbaidschan und Georgien) mit Hilfe der Researchgate-Datenbank Abstract [DE] Die...

/ 22. März 2024

Does cultural bias prevent us from a world in balance? The Turkish Case

Abstract (DE) In Indices werden über quantitative Messungen Aussagen von Bevölkerungsgruppen und ganzer Länder getroffen. Die Frage ist, welche Aspekte...

/ 18. März 2024

Digitale Bildung, Datenethik und die Zukunft der Zivilgesellschaft

Abstract [en]: The digital transformation is having a significant impact on education. Especially the new AI chatbots like ChatGPT lead...

/ 23. Januar 2024

Unternehmensverantwortung in der Lieferkette

Abstract [en]: This pilot-study analyzes the human rights responsibilities of business in global supply chains, in particular binding legal regulation....

/ 25. November 2022

Tagungsbericht: “Wissenschaft als Teil der Zivilgesellschaft”

Abstract [en]: Recent epochal events, such as the pandemic, natural disasters, climate change, global migration movements motivated by hunger, scarcity...

/ 22. September 2022

Ethische Aspekte des assistierten Suizids

Abstract [en]: Different European societies pursue different approaches when it comes to the issue of assisted suicide. To ensure social...

/ 19. Juli 2022

Unbürokratische Impfpflicht? Von wegen! – Vol. 2

Abstract [en]: "Who counts as vaccinated?" - Mandatory vaccination presupposes a sustainable definition of the status "vaccinated". In addition to the...

/ 8. Februar 2022

Vom Defizitmodell des Menschen zur digitalen Humanität

Abstract [en]: Humanity is currently facing a huge transformation towards a digital-analogue, hybrid form of existence. While the difference between...

/ 9. Dezember 2021

The promise of a global ethic in the Brazilian contexto

Abstract [en]: This article intends to confront the main principles in the global ethic project and the current data about...

/ 11. August 2020

Was ist Digitalisierung?

Abstract [en]: What is digitalisation?Digitalisation. It seems clear to everyone what that means. But is it really? Digitalisation is the...

/ 9. März 2020