Monatsarchiv: Dezember 2016

peacebuilding 0

The Peacebuilding Capability of Religion

Abstract [en]: The EASA and my class world religions appreciate very much the launch of the European Academy of Religion. Time is over for contribution of singular academies or only individual remarks. Only together, as Europeans guided by enlightenment, tolerance and respect for the other, we are able to face the negative power of religious fundamentalism and terror. More: As...

Steuerungslogik 0

Anmerkungen zur Steuerungslogik der Kirchenentwicklung

Abstract [en] The Catholic church undergoes a radical change process. It has to find a way to reach people in postmodern society with its message more deeply, and to be more effective. At the same time there are less and less resources to faith those Herkulean tasks. While a new positioning of the church’s work and ways demands a broad...