Kategorie: Bildung

Bildung als eines der Sustainable Development Goal der UN steht in diesem Forschungsbereich im Zentrum. Wir verstehen Bildung als eine der zentralen gesellschaftlichen Ressourcen. Und daher gilt es hier, das breite Themenspektrum und konkrete Projekte wie das Bildungssparen, vorzustellen.


Ökonomische und religiöse Bildung: Faktenwissen und ethische Haltung als pädagogische Aufgabe

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Hemel, Direktor, Weltethos-Institut | Foto: Weltethos Institut [Abstract] In a religious context, the good life and living together is symbolized by paradise. This remains a beacon and a place of longing for people, no matter how different concrete ideas of paradise may be. In the sober language of non-religious actors, the idea of paradise...


Identitätsbildung und Kompetenzentfaltung

Abstract [en]: People learn to relate to themselves and to their environment. Between socio-cultural environment and self-steering, individual identity evolves at the interplay of external influences and individual self-steering. Not least it is conscious or unconscious conceptions of what it means to be human that are crucial for the direction that identity formation takes. Over the years, each person develops...

trinationale Austauschprogramme

Stärkung von Zivilgesellschaften

Abstract [en]: This contribution emphasizes the importance of trinational or multinational exchange programes in international exchange formats. The argument is that these complexly structured and functioning programmes promote democracy, human rights, diversity, recognition, participation and civil society with participating countries. In peaceful dialogue between civil societies, trinational or multinational programes contribute to a comprehensive development of the plurality of perceptions...