Verschlagwortet: Verfassung


Verfassungsgerichte als politische Akteure im juristischen Gewand

Abstract [en]: After the election of conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court as the successor of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg shortly before the American presidential elections, this paper raises the question of the extent to which courts can be politically “neutral”. The question of role, function and legitimacy of constitutional courts arises because these courts have to juggle the crucial balancing act between...

Grundgesetz 0

Das Grundgesetz: veritable Referenzordnung in der Form westlich-atlantischer Verfassungen

Abstract [en]: Political and social upheavel such as the fall of the Iron Curtain often result in a new constitutional order. Having regained their liberty and national independence, Central and East European states – Poland and Hungary as example – required guidance for their deliberations and, therefore, turned to different democratic Western-atlantic constitutions. One happened to be the Fundamental Law....