Schlagwort: Freiheit

Hannah Arendt – Freiheit neu denken. Teil 2

Abstract [en]: In the second part of his article "Hannah Arendt - Rethinking freedom. Dangers of self-destruction of democracies" published...

/ 20. Februar 2023

Hannah Arendt – Freiheit neu denken

Abstract [en]: In his essay "Hannah Arendt: Re-thinking freedom", Dr Bruno Heidlberger shows how the philospher's analyses are as topical...

/ 30. August 2022
Hannah Arendt

Wie aktuell ist Hannah Arendt?

Abstract [en]: Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) has long since gone from being a controversial thinker to a classic of modern political...

/ 24. September 2021

Kultur und Freiheit in einer digitalen Welt

Abstract [en]: The effects of digital communication on culture is a challenge of its own. As in many other cases,...

/ 6. November 2019