Verschlagwortet: USA-Mexiko
Abstract [en]: Measuring civil society is a challenge, but is done nevertheless over and over again, e.g. to judge the democracy of a country. But for this civil society is always conceptualized as something national. Facing the importance of a global civil society and its transnational character, as shown here frequently, these highly national indices shall be questioned here. Building...
Abstract [en] Borders are places of exchanges but of separation, too. In many cases the perspective in media or from far away shows a different picture of the situation at a specific border, than you can experience at the border itself. This will be shown and discussed here looking at the US-Mexico border. Thesis of this paper is the importance...
Abstract [en]: Heterogeneity is a lived reality – but not all is judged the same way. Looking at social inequality in Mexico and the USA it can be seen how on the one side sexism and racism keep on existing in plural heterogen societies, but on the other side there are always countermovements. Going further from this it can be...
Abstract [en]: We found polarization both a threat and a chance for civil society, depending how it is taken. But this is linked to one of the core questions about civil society, especially global society – the question of its unity. Thinking about increasing polarization it is a challenge to even talk about one civil society within state borders,...