Autor: Valeriy Goncharov

A Care Index for a World in Balance: How to measure the immeasurable things in life?

„The Inclusivity Index for the Global Civic Society” strives for a world in balance and human dignity that integrates the Global South and wants to avoid the current “asymmetries in power” (see Working Paper). Therefore, in my first approach to solve this task, I was addressing the problem of “cultural bias” and the things in life that are difficult to measure, especially the aspect of “Care Ethics” (Carol Gilligan) and “Mechanical and Organic Solidarity” (Emile Durkheim, Ferdinand Tönnies) that is not integrated in the indexes yet. In this second approach, I want to deepen the understanding why those two aspects Gilligan and Durkheim addressed and could be summarized, as “interpersonal emotional care” are essential for balanced societies and intercultural peace.

Wozu Nationalökonomik?

Abstract [ENG] National economics seeks to analyze and stimulate economic events in a regional and temporal network so that natural and legal persons as well as social groups, the community and friendly states achieve the best possible results. The systemic driving mechanism of overall economic development is, if possible, depicted in a dynamic macro model, which is linked to anticipations...

Open Data Inclusivity: The Use of the ResearchGate Database for Market Analysis in the Caucasus Region Countries

Open Data Inclusivity: Analyse der Märkte in den Kaukasusländern (Armenien, Aserbaidschan und Georgien) mit Hilfe der Researchgate-Datenbank Abstract [DE] Die Texte von lokalen Wissenschaftler enthalten Insider-Sicht auf die wirtschaftliche Situation und wichtige statistische Informationen von Behörden (z.B. Regulierung des Alkoholmarktes oder Marktanteile von Fluggesellschaften). Aus der offenen Datenbank Researchgate haben wir 23 Publikationen zu den Wirtschaften Armeniens, Aserbaidschans und Georgiens für...