Verschlagwortet: Religion-Staat-Gesellschaft

Human Fraternity, Human Sisterhood and Social Friendship from a Global Ethic Perspective

“Global Ethic” does not mean that people have to change their religion. They should follow their own path of religious belongings and world-view convictions but they should unite in recognizing common human principles. It is easy to understand that here we do have the idea of a universal reach which is accessible to all world-views and religions. As a matter of fact, 6000 delegates from a huge variety of religions during the Plenary Assembly of the Parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 adopted a “Global Ethics Declaration” which contains two principles and five basic ethical values.


Zum Verhältnis von Religion, Staat und Gesellschaft

PRESSEMITTEILUNG: Februar 2015 Februar 2015 Globale Zivilgesellschaft und die Religion Glück, Leistung, Gnade Charlie Hebdo, PEGIDA, Moscheebau in Köln, Erdogan in Istanbul – Religion und Zivilgesellschaft stehen in einem spannungsreichen und bisweilen schwierigen Verhältnis. Der Theologe, Philosoph und Direktor des Instituts für Sozialstrategie Ulrich Hemel macht sich hierzu einige grundsätzliche Gedanken: Das Verhältnis von Religion, Staat und Gesellschaft wirft viele...