Wozu Nationalökonomik?
Abstract [ENG] National economics seeks to analyze and stimulate economic events in a regional and temporal network so that natural...
Open Data Inclusivity: The Use of the ResearchGate Database for Market Analysis in the Caucasus Region Countries
Open Data Inclusivity: Analyse der Märkte in den Kaukasusländern (Armenien, Aserbaidschan und Georgien) mit Hilfe der Researchgate-Datenbank Abstract [DE] Die...
Does cultural bias prevent us from a world in balance? The Turkish Case
Abstract (DE) In Indices werden über quantitative Messungen Aussagen von Bevölkerungsgruppen und ganzer Länder getroffen. Die Frage ist, welche Aspekte...
Inclusivity development and debottlenecking. Notes from the First Inclusivity Index Conference.
6 March 2024 the first Inclusivity Index Conference held in a hybrid format at the Global Ethic Institute in Tübingen....