Verschlagwortet: Digitalisierung
Abstract [en]: Digital Transformation is rapidly gaining speed, also due to the Covid-19 pandemia. Changes in the field of labor, different from early fears, will not lead to the disappearance of work but to a change, partly in a rapid pace. This means that professional qualification on the job will be more and more a key to success both for individuals and...
Abstract [en]: In this short essay, I ask if the technical possibilities of surveillance inherent in most digital communication question the direction of control the public sphere exercises. Specifically, I argue that the current state of digital transparency endangers the capacity of the public to control its representatives. Based on this finding, I discuss if a technology such as block...
Abstract [en]: What is digitalisation?Digitalisation. It seems clear to everyone what that means. But is it really? Digitalisation is the process of capturing digital data, online transfer of information and automatic processing of big data using algorithms, but also judgement by artificial intelligence which economise and even legitimize the right of using resources. That’s already insane. Moreover, it is often...
Abstract [en]: The effects of digital communication on culture is a challenge of its own. As in many other cases, it is highly ambivalent: It creates better access and enlarges potential audiences for high-end culture such as paintings, music and others. On the other hand, digital experience is definitely different from traditional settings. The digital world, as an example, may...