Open Data Inclusivity: Analyse der Märkte in den Kaukasusländern (Armenien, Aserbaidschan und Georgien) mit Hilfe der Researchgate-Datenbank

Abstract [DE] Die Texte von lokalen Wissenschaftler enthalten Insider-Sicht auf die wirtschaftliche Situation und wichtige statistische Informationen von Behörden (z.B. Regulierung des Alkoholmarktes oder Marktanteile von Fluggesellschaften). Aus der offenen Datenbank Researchgate haben wir 23 Publikationen zu den Wirtschaften Armeniens, Aserbaidschans und Georgiens für das erste Quartal 2024 gewählt. Die wissenschaftlichen Publikationen sind in zwei Kategorien eingeteilt – Focus Report (ein Bericht über einen typischen Wirtschaftszweig des Landes) und Special Report (ein nicht standardisierter Bericht über einen neuen Wirtschaftszweig). Die offenen Daten aus ResearchGate können für Marketinganalysen in aufstrebenden Märkten genutzt werden. Dadurch können Kosten für die Beratung durch lokale Unternehmen eingespart werden.  

An “inside view” at the economic situation and verified information from local and state authorities (e.g. alcohol market regulation or airline market share) are contained in the text of publications by “local” scholars. From the open database Researchgate, we used 23 publications by local academics from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia for Q1 2024. Publications are divided into two categories: focus report (typical industry of country’s economy) and special report (non-standard view on new industry). The inclusion of open data from publications can be used for marketing analysis of emerging markets and will allow the avoidance of expenses for services from local consulting companies.


  • Focus Report: Suren, Parsyan & Anna, Parsyan & Razmik, Aharonyan. (2023). The Analysis of Indicators Aimed at the Sustainable Development of Alcohol Production using the Python Programming Language (According to the Data of the Republic of Armenia). International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. 8. 5. 10.5281/ZENODO.8082148.
  • Specialised Report: Suren, Parsyan. (2024). Deposits. On the Example of the Commercial Banks of the Republic of Armenia. 2023. 5. 10.5281/zenodo.10450898.

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The analysis of publications for the first quarter of 2024 has shown the possibility of the use of poorly available data for the development of an export-oriented strategy in finance, technology transfer, pharmacology and the alcoholic beverages market. For example, the research by Suren Parsyan compiles the dynamics of demand and time deposits and the calculation of analytical indicators for 2013-2022 based on the data of the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia. Calculating analytical indicators of the dynamics of current accounts and deposits held by commercial banks is also presented. Khachatryan, Karlen presents technology transfer between universities and industry. A comprehensive assessment of the pharmaceutical services and the choice of pharmacies by the consumers for the year 2023 can be found in a report by  Lusine Nazaryan. The study showed that many people in Armenia selfmedicate without consulting a specialist. Govindharaj Yoganandham provides a macroeconomic analysis of the impact of Russian migration after the beginning of the Ukraine Crisis on exports, remittances, consumption and slowing global growth in Armenia.  

Armenia’s place in Eurasian Economic Community (EEC) and a research of the current state of economic integration with a special focus on food security is described by Ainur Yesbolova, an analysis of Armenia’s start-up ecosystem can be found in paper by Suren, Parsyan]. The alcoholic beverages market of Armenia, the dynamics of economic indicators of alcoholic beverages production and export at comparable prices are described by Suren, Parsyan. The subject of analysis were: the applicability and relevance of the Python programming language for the identification of the relationship between the indicators. The trends and tendencies in producing, exporting and importing alcohol have been presented. The correlation coefficients were calculated to examine the relationship between armenian alcohol production and exports between 2017 and 2021.


  • Focus report: Aliyev, Shafa & Gulaliyev, Mayis & Purhani, Safar & Mehdiyeva, Gulsura & Mustafayev, Elchin. (2024). Comparative Assessment of Energy Security Level: The Case of the South Caucasus Countries. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 14. 651-662. 10.32479/ijeep.14984.
  • Specialised Report: Sultan, Aysel. (2024). Situating the Local in Global Drug Policy Debates: Historical Overview of Political and Drug Market Developments in Azerbaijan. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development. 5. 78-91. 10.31389/jied.215.

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The analysis of publications for the first quarter of 2024 showed the possibility of using poorly available data in the fields of energy, pharmaceuticals, agro-industry and transport. The analytical article by Aliyev, Shafa & Gulaliyev, Mayis characterises energy security in the countries of the region.  According to the results, Georgia’s energy security is less risky. This is due to its use of renewable energy. In the long term, Azerbaijan’s strategy is to make greater use of renewable sources and Armenian security strategy is threatened because it depends more on imports.

Gasimli, Vusal & Huseyn, Ramil  discusses the issue of meeting domestic energy needs and turning the country into an exporter of “green” energy. The goal for the near future is not only the satisfaction of domestic energy needs, but also the transformation into an exporter of “green” energy. In the coming decades, Azerbaijan plans to build power plants using renewable energy sources. These will cover part of its domestic consumption and also supply the European market. Azerbaijan’s authorities and business plans to work with international partners to lay a 4 gigawatt (GW) power cable under the Black Sea as part of this massive energy project. Successfully implementing these ambitions will strengthen Azerbaijan’s post-oil economic resilience while reducing carbon emissions and bringing regional  (global) benefits.

Some interesting analytical material can be found in a research paper by Guliyeva Shafa 2024. She presented the relationship between energy consumption and defence spending in three neighbour countries – Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan. The results show that in the context of the Azerbaijani economy there is no relationship between defence spending and oil and gas consumption. On the other hand, there is evidence that gas consumption is a driver of oil consumption. If we compare Turkey and Pakistan, we do not find any correlation between their expenditure on defence, the amount of oil they consume and the amount of natural gas they use. 

The aim of the work is to assess the economic efficiency of crop production in Azerbaijan by an international team of researchers Njavro, Mario & Fikratzade, Firdovsi. 20,000 records from the state Farmer Data Monitoring System (FDMS) for the period 2015-2019 were analysed. Results – market gardens are more efficient. The production of cereals is less productive, and the income generated is low both per farm and per hectare.

The research report by Karimov, Shovgin examines the problem of creating transport and logistics routes along the China-Europe line, assesses the situation in the transit states of the South Caucasus (Azerbaijan and Georgia), and identifies the main political risks affecting the dynamics of transport and logistics links in the region in relation to territorial conflicts in the South Caucasus, the special military operation in Ukraine, tensions between China and the collective West, as well as the influence of other factors of modern geopolitics. The article concludes that Russia’s position on the issue is determined by its own interests. According to these interests, the priority in cooperation is given to Iran and the Transcaucasian countries, since the construction of the North-South route will contribute to the development of the region and ensure stability and security in the South Caucasus without endangering national security.


  • Focus Report: Sharia, Mariam. (2024). Geographical Distribution of the Tourism Value Chain of Georgia by the Example of Accommodations. Economics and Business. XV. 207-221.
  • Specialised Report: Doliashvili, Tinatin (2024). The Impact of Georgian Airline Revenues with Passenger and Cargo on Sustainable Economic Development. 8. 10.52340/spectri.2023.08.02.12.

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The analysis of publications for the first quarter of 2024 has shown the possibility of using poorly available data in the areas of investment, technological innovation, tourism, technology transfer and transport. The paper by Chikhladze, Niko & Rusadze, Nana examines the role of cities in economic growth and consumption using the example of the municipalities of Georgia (Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Poti, Rustavi). According to the authors, they generate more than 4/5 of investment and total value added in Georgia, they have the largest share of business sector turnover and employment.

Nizharadze David identifies general trends in the development of technological innovation in Georgia and their results. The geographical diversification of the value chain of the tourism industry through a comparative analysis of the export-import balance of a group of main products is presented in paper by  Sharia, Mariam. The importance of collaboration between industry, academia and government to harness the potential of Industry 4.0 in Georgia to promote economic growth and community development is highlighted by Mtchedlidze, Nadia & Papulova, Zuzana.

Factor correlation analysis of the influence of cargo and passenger turnover on aviation revenues of United Airports of Georgia LLC showed that only 0.59% of revenues are generated by cargo turnover and only 21.1% are generated by passenger turnover. The focus is on the full implementation of the country’s transit function in the near future presented by Doliashvili, Tinatin & Khukhua, Ilona.

An “inside view” at the economic situation and verified information from local and state authorities (e.g. alcohol market regulation or airline market share) are contained in the text of publications by “local” scholars. The inclusion of open data from publications can be used for marketing analysis of emerging markets and will allow the avoidance of expenses for services from local consulting companies.

Valerij Goncharov


  1. Suren, Parsyan. (2024). Deposits. On the Example of the Commercial Banks of the Republic of Armenia. 2023. 5. 10.5281/zenodo.10450898.
  2. Khachatryan, Karlen (2024). Development of university–industry partnership in Armenia: university perspective. Journal of International Education in Business. 17. 10.1108/JIEB-07-2023-0051.
  3. Nazaryan, Lusine (2024). Evaluating consumer self-medication practices, pharmaceutical care services, and pharmacy selection: a quantitative study. BMC Health Services Research. 24. 10.1186/s12913-023-10471-1.
  4. Govindharaj, Yoganandham. (2024). The Effects of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and its Russian Migrants on Consumption, Money Transfers, Exports and the Slowdown in Global Growth-an Assessment. 
  5. Aliyev, Shafa (2024). Comparative Assessment of Energy Security Level: The Case of the South Caucasus Countries. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 14. 651-662. 10.32479/ijeep.14984.
  6. Yesbolova, Ainur (2024). Assessment of the current state of economic integration of the member-states of the Eurasian economic union under food security. E3S Web of Conferences. 474. 10.1051/e3sconf/202447401038.
  7. Suren, Parsyan (2023). Основные препятствия на пути развития стартап-экосистемы Республики Армения = Osnovnye prepyatstviya na puti razvitiya startap-ekosistemy Respubliki Armeniya . 59-63.
  8. Suren, Parsyan (2023). The Analysis of Indicators Aimed at the Sustainable Development of Alcohol Production using the Python Programming Language (According to the Data of the Republic of Armenia). International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. 8. 5. 10.5281/ZENODO.8082148.
  9. Chitaladze, Ketevan (2024). Georgian Labour Market in Gender Prism: A Statistical Review. International Journal of Economics and Business Research. 1. 1. 10.1504/IJEBR.2024.10054928.
  10. Chikhladze, Niko (2024). Large Cities and Economic Growth (based on the Georgian example). Globalization and Business. 8. 9-14. 10.35945/gb.2023.16.001.
  11. Nizharadze, David. (2024). Development Trends of Technological Innovations in Georgia. Economics. 105. 21-32. 10.36962/ECS105/11-12/2023-21.
  12. Sharia, Mariam. (2024). Geographical Distribution of the Tourism Value Chain of Georgia by the Example of Accommodations. Economics and Business. XV. 207-221.
  13. Mtchedlidze, Nadia (2024). Navigating Industry 4.0 in Georgia: Challenges and Opportunities on the Path to Technological Transformation.
  14. Kbiladze, David (2024). Conceptual and empirical research aspects of sustainable macroeconomic development and its quantitative assessment in Georgia. 8. 10.52340/spectri.2023.08.02.14.
  15. Doliashvili, Tinatin (2024). The Impact of Georgian Airline Revenues with Passenger and Cargo on Sustainable Economic Development. 8. 10.52340/spectri.2023.08.02.12.
  16. Atakishizada, Seyyeddin. (2024). Innovative Development of Pharmaceutical Sector in Azerbaijan.
  17. Nadirov, N. (2024). Dynamics of Cotton Development in the Conditions of the Salyan Steppe of Azerbaijan. Bulletin of Science and Practice. 10. 123-129. 10.33619/2414-2948/98/16.
  18. Gasimli, Vusal (2024). What Advantages Arise from the Shift Towards Sustainable Energy Sources in Resource-Rich Economies? Empirical Insights from Azerbaijan. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 14. 12-20. 10.32479/ijeep.15016.
  19. Guliyeva, Shafa (2024). Analyzing the Interplay between Energy Consumption and Military Expenditure: A Comparative Study of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Pakistan. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 14. 533-543. 10.32479/ijeep.14891.
  20. Njavro, Mario (2024). Economic efficiency of the major crops in Azerbaijan. 13. 78-87.
  21. Huseynli, Nigar. (2024). CO2 Emission and Research and Development Relationship for Azerbaijan. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 14. 219-223. 10.32479/ijeep.15203.
  22. Karimov, Shovgin. (2024). Key Risks of Transport and Logistics Project Development “Middle Corridor”. Общество: политика, экономика, право. 48-53. 10.24158/pep.2024.1.6.
  23. Sultan, Aysel. (2024). Situating the Local in Global Drug Policy Debates: Historical Overview of Political and Drug Market Developments in Azerbaijan. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development. 5. 78-91. 10.31389/jied.215

Posted by Valerij Goncharov