Verschlagwortet: Ethik


Ethical Problems of Human-Machine Interaction by the Use of UAVs

The use of drones and the expansion of aspects of human-machine interaction necessitate the search for ethical guidelines for both drone operators and society in their use. Which values can be made constant, and which ones will have to be reconsidered? Where will this new level of interaction between humans and machines lead us? What social strategies can be developed to manage UAVs? What will the emergence of swarms of UAVs and swarm-intelligence mean for society as a whole? These and other questions will be the subject of discussion at the workshop.

Human Fraternity, Human Sisterhood and Social Friendship from a Global Ethic Perspective

“Global Ethic” does not mean that people have to change their religion. They should follow their own path of religious belongings and world-view convictions but they should unite in recognizing common human principles. It is easy to understand that here we do have the idea of a universal reach which is accessible to all world-views and religions. As a matter of fact, 6000 delegates from a huge variety of religions during the Plenary Assembly of the Parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 adopted a “Global Ethics Declaration” which contains two principles and five basic ethical values.