Verschlagwortet: Religion

Human Fraternity, Human Sisterhood and Social Friendship from a Global Ethic Perspective

“Global Ethic” does not mean that people have to change their religion. They should follow their own path of religious belongings and world-view convictions but they should unite in recognizing common human principles. It is easy to understand that here we do have the idea of a universal reach which is accessible to all world-views and religions. As a matter of fact, 6000 delegates from a huge variety of religions during the Plenary Assembly of the Parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 adopted a “Global Ethics Declaration” which contains two principles and five basic ethical values.

Resilienz 0

Rezension: Resilienz durch Glauben? (Elias D. Stangl)

Dieser Beitrag ist Teil unserer Literaturecke: Dort veröffentlichen wir Kurzrezensionen und Literaturtipps unserer Mitarbeiter_innen und Verbundenen. Elias D. Stangl stellt hier seine Monographie vor. Über: Resilienz durch Glauben? Die Entwicklung psychischer Widerstandskraft bei Erwachsenen Resilienz durch Glauben? Die Entwicklung psychischer Widerstandskraft bei Erwachsenen Stangl Elias D. (2017): Resilienz durch Glauben? Die Entwicklung psychischer Widerstandskraft bei Erwachsenen (2. Aufl.). Ostfildern: Grünewald....

Generationengerechtigkeit 0

Zur Epochenaufgabe: „Wir müssen miteinander leben lernen!“ (Freya von Moltke)

Abstract [en]: We have to learn to live together – in the horizon of our common home, our planet Earth. Dreessen investigates in this essay the origins of this epochal task (Freya von Moltke) in response to the prevailing technical renewal and their rationalistic misuse of language. In William James, Rosenstock-Huessy and the ‘Kreisauer Kreis’ he finds orientations for necessary experiences...