Verschlagwortet: Populismus


Fluchten ins Autoritäre im Lichte aktueller Entwicklungen

Abstract [en]: In early March, Covid-19 had a tight grip on us. The world was standing still. The stock markets plummeted. Once the state of shock and lockdown eased, topics soon encompassed more than the daily reports of the RKI. Bruno Heidlberger analysises and discusses the debate that followed and which focused on an evaluation of the protection measures put in place by the state....

Populismus 0

Angst vor Kontrollverlust in einer veränderten Welt

Abstract [en]: In a world with an enormous speed of change, people are exposed to fears of losing control over their own lives. For the origins of populist movements, the feeling of “loss of control” shows better empirical evidence than some economic and political arguments such as a rising gap between rich and poor or a perceived excess of foreign...