Schlagwort: Soziales
Zur Epochenaufgabe: „Wir müssen miteinander leben lernen!“ (Freya von Moltke)
Abstract [en]: We have to learn to live together – in the horizon of our common home, our planet Earth....
Digitale Transformation in der Sozialen Arbeit am Beispiel des Betreuten Wohnens
Abstract [en]: In assisted living establishments handicapped persons, adolescents and elderly people are taken care of. With regard of their...
Die Papst Franziskus Formel. Ein neuer Zugang zum Dritten Weg der Katholischen Soziallehre
Abstract [en]: Since many years in Argentina Pope Francis has developed and successfully used his very personal method to build...
Grenzen als Orte der Verbindung – der Einfluss breit zugänglicher Infrastruktur
Abstract [en] Borders are places of exchanges but of separation, too. In many cases the perspective in media or from...