Autor: Anne Häseker

IfS Newsletter August 2022

Dear Friends of the Institute of Social Strategy,  We have a number of things to report in this monthly update: Change of Management: Introducing Kristína Janackova, and thanking Anne Häseker New publications: Research areas Economy and Global Civil Society Summary report of our annual conference: Science as an actor of civil society Warm regardsUlrich Hemel, Director und Kristína Janackova, Management IfS Team...

Hannah Arendt – Freiheit neu denken

Abstract [en]: In his essay “Hannah Arendt: Re-thinking freedom”, Dr Bruno Heidlberger shows how the philospher’s analyses are as topical as ever. Today, thinking about Arendt’s conception of the political is not possible without reference to the 24th February 2022, as it goes to the heart of Hannah Arendt’s political philosophy: freedom of agency, and concepts such as power, violence,...


Kultursensible Führung in Non-Profit-Organisationen

Abstract [en]: This paper is about culture-sensitive leadership in non-profit organizations with special focus on the German children and youth welfare system. The underlying research question investigates the personal traits, competencies and abilities that team leaders of that sector need in dealing with employees which do not have the same cultural background they have, the challenges among their social interaction...

IfS Newsletter: July 2022

Dear Friends of the Institute of Social Strategy,  We hope you coped well through the heat wave and that you have so far had a nice summer.  We have collected our most recent publications here to supply you with our monthly well of knowledge. This month, we published two contributions in Health & Social Issues:  Dr. med. Stefan Streit:  On the...