Kategorie: Vortrag

Fremde 0

Der Fremde, die Fremde und das ganz Andere

Abstract [en]: This talk was held as an impetus at the Welcoming Day of the ifs Competence Centre for Migration, Education and Employment. Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel reflects on the principle of dialogue, the other and the outland. In particular, he concentrates on the reciprocity of any process of acquaintance. These take time, but also personal contact and the...


Die Bedeutung der Familie in der Zivilgesellschaft

Abstract [en]: On the Importance of Family in Civil Society All over the world, families continue to be driving forces for the development of each individual person. Families, however, cannot exist without a surrounding civil society which gains familiar influence by prohibiting familiar violence, by demanding school attendance and by offering nursing homes for elderly care. Such developments serve for the...

Organisation 0

Kirche als Organisation – Wind des Wandels oder Fluch der Dekadenz?

Abstract [en]: Wind of Change or the Curse of Decadence – Contemporary Church Organization, Catholic Leadership and Ecclesiastical Executive Structure Looking at the Catholic Church from an organizational standpoint, the origin of organizations in the military field and in the field of sacred language such as e.g. in Old Egypt should be remembered because both, lines of command and the...

religiöse 0

Gibt es eine ethisch-religiöse Globalisierung?

Abstract [de]: Wir leben in einer Welt, die immer mehr zusammen wächst. Gleichzeitig reichen Konflikte wie in der Ukraine, in Syrien und in Nigeria bis vor unsere Haustür: Durch die mediale Kommunikation, aber auch ganz hautnah durch das Phänomen der weltweiten Migration. Religion und Religionen spielen dabei eine große, aber widersprüchliche Rolle. Sie sind zugleich Treiber des Friedens wie Auslöser...