Kategorie: Globale Zivilgesellschaft


Verfassungsgerichte als politische Akteure im juristischen Gewand

Abstract [en]: After the election of conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court as the successor of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg shortly before the American presidential elections, this paper raises the question of the extent to which courts can be politically “neutral”. The question of role, function and legitimacy of constitutional courts arises because these courts have to juggle the crucial balancing act between...

konservative revolution

Das Erbe von 1968 und die Konservative Revolution

Wohin geht unsere offene Gesellschaft? Abstract [en]: This talk tackles the crisis of the normative project of the West and the topicality of an illiberal world view that is ‘similar to national socialism’, as we are reminded by historian Fritz Stern. [1] We are experiencing a societal “rollback” that shows trends parallel to those of the inter-War times. The “rollback”...


Verschwörungsideologien als Symptom und Katalysator autoritärer Tendenz der Gesamtgesellschaft

Abstract [en]: In the second part of his publication, Bruno Heidlberger analyses – against the back-ground of the Covid-19 crisis – the features of conspiracy theories, their causes, functions, and psychological stabilising functions. He understands conspiracy ideologies as well as reactionist nationalism in line with a dialectic of enlightenment as „the other to reason“, as the dark side and counter...


Fluchten ins Autoritäre im Lichte aktueller Entwicklungen

Abstract [en]: In early March, Covid-19 had a tight grip on us. The world was standing still. The stock markets plummeted. Once the state of shock and lockdown eased, topics soon encompassed more than the daily reports of the RKI. Bruno Heidlberger analysises and discusses the debate that followed and which focused on an evaluation of the protection measures put in place by the state....